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CPT Model Quesstion Papers

  1. if A=B/2=C/5, then A:B:C is

    (b) 2:5:3
    (c) 1:2:5
    (d) none of the above (plese give the solution for the above)

  2. P,Q & R are three cities. the ratio of average tempareture between P and Q is 11:12 and that between P and R is 9:8. the ration between the average temparature of Q and R is

    (b) 27:22
    (c) 32:33
    (d) none of the above

  3. Sales for the year ended 31st march,2005 amounted to rs.10,00,000.sales included goods sold to mr.A for rs.50,000. at a profit on cost.Such goods are still lying in the godown at the buyer's risk.Therefore,such goods should be treated as part of....?

    (a) Sales
    (b)closing stock
    (c)Goods in Transit
    (d)None of these

  4. A new firm commenced business on 1st January, 2006 and purchased goods costing Rs. 90,000 during the year. A sum of Rs. 6,000 was spent on freight inwards. At the end of the year the cost of goods still unsold was Rs. 12,000. Sales during the year Rs.1,20,000. What is the gross profit earned by the firm?

    (a) Rs. 36,000
    (b) Rs. 30,000
    (c) Rs. 42,000
    (d) Rs. 38,000

  5. Original cost = Rs 1,26,000. Salvage value = 6,000. Useful Life = 6 years. Annual depreciation under SLM will be

    (a) Rs.21,000
    (b) Rs.20,000
    (c) Rs.15,000
    (d) Rs.14,000

  6. If Cost of goods sold is Rs.80,700, Opening stock Rs.5,800 and Closing stock Rs.6,000. Then the amount of purchase will be

    (a) Rs.80,500
    (b) Rs.74,900
    (c) Rs.74,700
    (d) Rs.80,900.

  7. Line Method (SLM) of depreciation. In the current year it changed its method from straight Line to Written Down Value (WDV) Method, since such change would result in the additional depreciation of Rs. 200 lakhs as a result of which the firm would qualify to be declared as a sick industrial unit. The auditor raised objection to this change in the method of depreciation. The objection of the auditor is justified because

    (a) Change in the method of depreciation should be done only with the consent of the auditor
    (b) Depreciation method can be changed only from WDV to SLM and not vice versa
    (c) Change in the method of deprecation should be done only if it is required by some statute and change would result in appropriate presentation of financial statement
    (d) Method of depreciation cannot be changed under any circumstances.

  8. Mr. A purchased a machinery costing Rs. 1,00,000 on 1st October, 2005. Transportation and installation charges were incurred amounting Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 4,000 respectively. Dismantling charges of the old machine in place of which new machine was purchased amounted Rs. 10,000. Market value of the machine was estimated at Rs. 1,20,000 on 31st March 2006. While finalising the annual accounts, A values the machinery at Rs. 1,20,000 in his books. Which of the following concepts was violated by A?

    (a) Cost concept
    (b) Matching concept
    (c) Realisation concept
    (d) Periodicity concept.

  9. The number of production or similar units expected to be obtained from the use of an asset by an enterprise is called as _________

    (a) Unit life
    (b) Useful life
    (c) Production life
    (d) Expected life

  10. The purpose of accommodation bill is_______

    (a) To finance actual purchase or sale of goods
    (b) To facilitate trade transmission
    (c) When both parties are in need of funds
    (d) None of the above

  11. The parties to joint venture is called_________

    (a) Co-venturers
    (b) Partners
    (c) Principal & Agent
    (d) Friends

  12. Interest on capital will be paid to the partners if provided for in the agreement but only from________

    (a) Profits.
    (b) Reserves.
    (c) Accumulated Profits.
    (d) Goodwill.

  13. The owner of the consignment stock is________

    (a) Consignor
    (b) Consignee
    (c) Debtors
    (d) None

  14. Profit or loss on revaluation is shared among the partners in _______ ratio.

    (a) Old Profit Sharing.
    (b) New Profit Sharing.
    (c) Capital.
    (d) Equal.

  15. At the time of death of a partner, firm gets ________ from the insurance company against the Joint Life Policy taken jointly for all the partners.

    (a) Policy Amount.
    (b) Surrender Value.
    (c) Policy Value for the dead partner and Surrender Value for the rest.
    (d) Surrender Value for all the partners.

  16. Loss on issue of debentures is treated as ____________.

    (a) Intangible asset
    (b) Current asset
    (c) Current liability
    (d) Miscellaneous expenditure

  17. Discount on issue of debentures is a __________

    (a) Revenue loss to be charged in the year of issue
    (b) Capital loss to be written off from capital reserve
    (c) Capital loss to be written off over the tenure of the debentures
    (d) Capital loss to be shown as goodwill

  18. Which of the following statement is not true:

    (a) If del-creder's commission is allowed, bad debt will not be recorded in the books of consignor
    (b) If del-creder's commission is allowed, bad debt will be debited in consignment account
    (c) Del-creder's commission is allowed by consignor to consignee
    (d) Del-creder's commission is generally relevant for credit sales

  19. Which of the following are of capital nature?

    (a) Purchase of a goods
    (b) Cost of repair
    (c) Wages paid for installation of machinery
    (d) Rent of a factory

  20. Which of the following errors are not revealed by the Trial Balance:

    (a) compensating errors;
    (b) errors of commission;
    (c) wrong balancing of an account;
    (d) wrong totalling of an account

  21. Fundamental accounting assumptions are

    (a) Materiality.
    (b) Business entity.
    (c) Going concern.
    (d) Dual aspect

  22. In the absence of any provision in the partnership agreement, profits and losses are shared

    (a) In the ratio of capitals.
    (b) Equally.
    (c) In the ratio of loans given by them to the partnership firm.
    (d) None of the above.

  23. While finalizing the current year's profit, the company realized that there was an error in the valuation of closing stock of the previous year. In the previous year, closing stock was valued more by Rs.50,000. As a result

    (a) Previous year's profit is overstated and current year's profit is also overstated
    (b) Previous year's profit is understated and current year's profit is overstated
    (c) Previous year's profit is understated and current year's profit is also understated
    (d) Previous year's profit is overstated and current year's profit is understated

  24. A Bank Reconciliation Statement is prepared to know the causes for the difference between:

    (a) the balances as per cash column of Cash Book and the Pass Book.
    (b) the balance as per bank column of Cash Book and the Pass Book.
    (c) the balance as per bank column of Cash Book and balances as per cash column of Cash Book
    (d) None of the above.

  25. Purchases book records:

    (a) All cash purchases.
    (b) All credit purchases.
    (c) Credit purchases of goods in trade.
    (d) None of the above

  26. A change in accounting policy is justified

    (a) To comply with accounting standard.
    (b) To ensure more appropriate presentation of the financial statement of the enterprise.
    (c) To comply with law.
    (d) All of the above.

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